Carol Swartout Klein grew up in Ferguson and was so inspired by witnessing the spirit of hundreds of volunteers coming together to bring hope to a community in shock that she wanted to capture the story and Painting for Peace in Ferguson is the result. After a year of sharing the story in schools, libraries, panels and other speaking engagements, she wanted to produce something more hands on that people both young and old would enjoy. The result was Painting for Peace: A Coloring Book. Along with Painting for Peace in Ferguson, Painting for Peace: A Coloring Book has been designed to inspire children and adults alike.
A journalist and marketing professional by training, Klein has always wanted to write a children’s book. She saw how healing the actual process of creating the artwork was for all those involved … as the community came together to help others, the artists, business owners and volunteers benefited themselves … and created new connections that she hopes will continue to strengthen in the future.