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Donate Photos to the Project
All photographs submitted for use in the Painting for Ferguson Book are considered a donation to the project. By submitting your photo(s), you are confirming that you have the rights to share, sell, distribute and assign rights to these photos and are the legal owner of the photos submitted - OR - that you are the model or artist featured in the photo.
By submitting photos, you are consenting to their use in this project, their potential printing, publication and sale. All photos selected for final publication will require a release from models and artists, to the extent that they can be located and identified.
While you are not required to fill out a photo release to be considered for the project, we would be thankful if you'd take the time to fill out any appropriate releases now to expedite the process of publishing.
ARTISTS, MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHERS 18+ - Please fill out General Photo Release here.
ARTISTS, MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHER UNDER THE AGE OF 18 - Please fill out our Minor Photo Release here.
Upload files below and be sure to submit the best email address where we may reach you.
Thank you for sharing your art with our communities, and with this project!
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